Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Professional Baby Brokers DCF Florida

Our goal is to never see what happened to us happen to anyone else ever again. DCF is not out to protect children, they are there to collect federal dollars and they collect a lot of them. Destroying families means nothing to them, money is what counts. The more children they take, the more money they get.

DCF and the Family court system is an industry. They are in business to take children from loving homes and they are paid to do just that. They make thousands of dollars for every child they take. Once caught up in their system, your life can become a living hell! 
 DCF takes the children and then looks for something. DCF says they are there to help but they are there to take your children for money.
 Every day in the USA families face false allegations of child abuse, and children are often unjustly ripped from their families and placed in foster homes. These families suffer trauma and depression in their attempts to be together again.
  I choose to help families who have been torn apart by DCF false accusations, which are far too common these days. It is a travesty of justice, one I cannot silently ignore because I've felt the pain of false accusations made by a DCF caseworker, and resolved to try to prevent this injustice from continuing. I haven't been able to stop it, but I am going to help  families to fight DCF  injustice system and get their children back.

Federal statistics show that children in foster homes are about ten times more likely to be abused sexually, physically, emotionally, and mentally than children in their natural family homes. They are even more likely to be killed. A recent study concluded that foster children are more likely to have teen pregnancies and to become juvenile delinquents. The study said that children are better off when left with their natural families, even if those families have severe problems.
Social work should be a process of helping families resolve and recover from problems, not a process of tearing families apart forever and traumatizing children for life. This imbalance in the social work profession has been caused by federal legislation that gives financial incentives in the form of federal funding and social security reimbursements when children are torn from their homes and placed in foster homes
 Fourth Amendment:“
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized 
I want your help to stop DCF abuse of power and to have a third party investigate DCF 
Thank you
DCF Florida save our children.
Robin Jensen Sarasota are you a Professional baby broker?                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

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