Saturday, August 27, 2011

Governor Rick Scott Which man are you going to be the man that stands up or the man who allows evil to prosper?

Governor Rick Scott Which man are you going to be the man that stands up or the man who allows evil to prosper?

Rick Scott,

Department of Children and Families–DCF has devastated and destroyed hundreds of thousands of families in America, leaving a trail of broken hearts, broken dreams, and shattered childhoods.

Rather than helping families, government agents have used unconstitutional laws  to rip children away from their loving parents, break asunder God-given, natural, parent-child bonds, and adopt the children of the grieving out to others who profit financially with large monthly adoption subsidy payments.

DCF must be stopped!  We must work tirelessly to inform the public of this very dangerous travesty of justice. We must keep faith knowing that if there is a God, there is an answer and a way to end this heartache.

DCF Agents – need to  come to their  senses! Family destruction on false or trivial grounds is wrong, reprehensible, and and inhumane.

Fosters – need to be aware that for the money they get they are holding much-loved children away from their grieving families while the parents are forced to perform a service plan that is anything but a service to them. I call this hostage holding for the government. This is not kindness – to help misguided government agents destroy family relationships and break loving bonds.

Governor Scott – I ask that you now let the children of the innocent return to their homes where they are truly valued, adored, and loved by the parents God gave them.
Family rights are God-given rights. And they should not be ignored or postponed. Every moment these loving parents and children spend separated from one another is a torment beyond what anyone should ever have to bear.

It is unworthy of human dignity to allow this terrorism and torture of families to go on without saying something, speaking out, and trying to make a change.

Governor Scott you can be the man that makes a difference in the lives of thousands of families, you can be the man that saves thousands of children, you can be a man that stands up. All it takes for evil to prosper is for a good man to do nothing. Which man are you going to be the man that stands up or the man who allows evil to prosper?

Send your thoughts about DCF abuse of power to Govenor Scott today!

Please go to the site below and sign petition.
Thank you

Randy Kluge

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