Thursday, July 7, 2011

Robin Jensen Sarasota how many families did you destroy in the false name of the best intrest of the child?

Robin Jensen are you leading this DCF? Is this about profit or children? Take as many children as you can for a profit. Stock goes up when DCF takes more children. While people may profit in this life each one of us will have to answer for all of our actions.

Read the comments below the story and the story itself,  how for some sick reason DCF seems to like to adopt out children instead of  keeping them in their families, best interest of the child? where is it?

This is also a great site

"The world is a dangerous place to live,
not because of the people who are evil,

but because of the people who don't do
anything about it".
-Albert Einstein

Every effort must be made for children to stay with Grandparents / family members instead of foster care.
Robin Jensen have you forgotten this statment?

DCF Florida Save Our Children

1 comment:

  1. DCF does not know what the best interest of the child is.
